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Common Questions


How long have you been Collecting for?


I have been collecting for over 3 years, but I have been a fan of Tomb Raider since 1998


How did your collection start?


It was my 21st Birthday and I was on my first year at University.  I had this on-going joke with my boyfriend Dom.  I said that when we get a house I would get various statues mainly Tomb Raider and put them in the bathroom as decoration. 


He knew I really wanted to get Tomb Raider collectables.  So he surprised me big time. He gave me some Lara Croft statues and some of the comics.  He said he wanted to be the one to start my collection.  From then on I was hooked, I started to remember all these various items I had seen as a child and never had a job to buy them.  It was so nostalgic. 


I then found out there was a Guinness world record holder Martín Santos, I was fascinated with his collection.  From then he pushed my determination to collect more. 


How many items do you have?


From this point (2016) over 300


What’s your most treasured items?


My life sized Lara Croft, my home made bow, and my tattoos


Are any of your items for sale?


Sadly no.  However sometimes I do end up with 2 of the same items so I sometimes do giveaways on my instagram account.  I have had people contact me in the past and ask about any doubles before I have done a giveaway and have been fortunate to be given them.


Where do you get your items from?


The majority of items I source from ebay, I look on various ebay sites across the world to see if I can purchase.  Other items I get as gifts from family and friends.


I have been fortunate to love a post on instagram and have that person message me for a sale.  


What are you going to do with your collection?


My plan is simple and thoughtful.  When I die I have made it clear that I give permission to my Dom (Aka my boyfriend) to sell my items.  Half the money shall go to him, and the other half shall be donated to charity.  


You have a particular item where did you get it from?


Just message me and I will do my best to answer you and try and find a link for your to get one yourself.

About the Website


I created this website with an intention to help and guide Tomb Raider fans, and collectors.  As well as updates on the latest news related to the franchise.


Starting out as a collector I found it hard to keep track of what I had, but also just how rare is the item in terms of the price its being offered for,  


So I devised a basic strategdy to help people understand if any item was rare on a 1/5 star basis.  This I hope shows you how common the item is to find and save you taking a gamble and pay a price.


This raiting is based on my findings on ebay UK and is not intened to represnt the entire plant.  It is also a basis from my general knowldge therefore it does not define that soemthing is impossible to find.


Other than that this sites purpose is not an intention to boast about what I have.  It is here as a reminder to myself


Official Tomb Raider Links:

  • Tomb Raider
  • Tomb Raider/Lara Croft
  • @TombRaider/@LaraCroft
  • Black Instagram Icon
  • Tomb Raider
  • Tomb Raider

Accreditation copyright 

All image content and blog posts are by website creator Amy Dyson unless stated.  

 Other content is either linked via url or credited to original owner. to conent ownerImages not are have availbe links to the ownership.  Articles and images can be re-posted but a link or credit to author 

This website is not licensced under Cystal dynamics or Square Enix.


Tomb Raider and Lara Croft are trademarks or registered trademarks of Square Enix Ltd. All rights reserved.

 2016 Amy Dyson.  Worcester.  United Kingdom. Amy D Tomb Raider collection

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