Amy D
tomb Raider
Tomb Raider Fansite
"for some, discovering the secrets of the world is the only way to live."

Tomb Raider 1 & 2 double pack, Eidos platinum collection -Platform: PC -Region:USA -Age: Teen -Rare: *****

[Side View]

Tomb Raider 2 Gold edition

Tomb Raider 1 &2 -Distributor: Sold Out Games -Region: UK -Age: 15+ -Rare: ***

Tomb Raider Collection -Distributor: Easy Interactive, Escape video Compression Systems -Producers: Eidos Interactive, Core Designs -Platform: PC -Region: UK Age: 12+ -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider the greatest raids -Released: 28th August 2009 -Distribution: Mastertronic -Platform: PC -Region: UK -Age: 12+ -Rare: *

Tomb Raider 2, 3 & 4 DVD special includes: -Add on Levels -Demo -Screensaver -Wallpaper -Browser Design -Trailer -Poster Motive -Released: 2002 -Distributor: Collectors Value -Producers: Eidos and Core Designs -Region: Germany -Rare: *****

Tomb Raider Game boy colour -Release date: 12th June 2000 -Developer: Core Design -Platform: Game Boy Publishers: Eidos Interactive, THQ -Region: UK -Age: 3+ -Rare: ***

Tomb Raider Curse of the Sword -Developer: Core Design -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Activision -Producers: Andy Watt Mike Schmitt -Designers: Jamie Morton, Paul Field -Programmers Dan Scott, Ian Manders -Region: UK -Age: 7+ -Rare: ***

Tomb raider the prophecy Tomb Raider fake box art work -Released: 12th November 2002 -Developer: Core Design, Ubisoft -Publisher: Eidos Interactive, Ubisoft -Platform: Nintendo Gameboy Advance -Region: USA -Age: Teen -Rare: ***

Tomb Raider N Gage Game (Tomb Raider 1 game with Lara wearing the outfit from the angel of darkness) -Released: 2003 -Developer: Ideaworks 3D -Publisher: Eidos Interactive -Region: UK -Age: 12+ -Rare: *

Tomb Raider collection: Legend, Anniversary and Underworld Xbox 360 -Released: 15th November 2013 -Developer: Crystal Dynamics, Square Enix -Platform: Xbox 360 -Region: UK -Age: 12+ -Rare: *

Tomb Raider Classics HD: Legend, Anniversary and Underworld PlayStation 3 -Released: March 2011 -Developer: Crystal Dynamics, Square Enix Eidos -Platform: PlayStation 3 -Region: UK -Age: 12+ -Rare: *

Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris Gold edition PC -Released: December 9th 2014 -Developer: Crystal Dynamics -Publisher: Square Enix -Platforms: PC -Region: UK -Age: 12+ -Rare: ***

Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris Gold edition PS4 -Released: December 9th 2014 -Developer: Crystal Dynamics -Publisher: Square Enix -Platforms: PlayStation 4 -Region: UK -Age: 12+ -Rare: *

Lara Croft: Lethal and Loaded DVD -Released: 8th July 2001 -Aired: Channel 5 -Director: Dev Varma -Region: UK -Age: U

Lara Croft star of Tomb Raider style guide -Released 2000/2001

Tomb Raider Re/Visioned This was given to me as a gift from a fellow collector. It's a fan made burned onto a disk and isn't available. Released: July 10, 2007-November 13, 2007 -Number of episodes: 10 -Created by: Ricardo Sanchez -Region: UK -Age:12+

Tomb raider cd Lara Croft Come alive album Featuring Lara Croft model Rhona Mitra -Release: 1998 -Record Label: Naked Records -Rare: *****

Grand Thieves & Tomb Raiders: How British Video Games Conquered the World -Released: November 2012 -Author: Rebecca Levene, Magnus Anderson -Publisher: Aurum Press Ltd -Rare: *

Tomb raider Spanish book El viaje de Lara Croft (Lara Croft's travels) -Released: 2016 -Author: Miguel Aguerralde Publisher: Dolem Books -Rare: ****

Tomb raider files The official Tomb Raider files featuring Lara Croft -Released: 2001 -Author: S.Hamilton -Publisher: Carlton books, Core, Eidos interactive -Rare: ***

Tomb raider the book -Released: 2001 -Author: Keith M. Kolmos -Publisher: Prima Games -Rare: ****

Lara's Book: Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider phenomenon -Released: July 1998 -Author: Douglas Coupland -Publisher: Prima Games -Rare: ****

Lara Croft, Tomb Raider : Les dossiers officiels Vol 1-6 (Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: Official records) -Released: 2006 -Author: Christophe Delpierre -Publisher: Éd. Atlas -Rare: *****

Power presents the Tomb Raider collection complete solutions for Tomb Raider I-V -Publisher: Future publishing -Rare: *****

20 Years of Tomb Raider -Author: Megan Marie -Publisher: Prima Games -Rare: *

Tomb Raider 1 & 2 strategy guide -Rleased: 1999 -Author: Kip Ward -Publisher: Prima Games -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider 1 & 2 Strategy guide -Released: 1999 -Author: Kip Ward -Publisher: Prima Games -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider 2 & 3 strategy guide -Released: 2000 -Author: Kip Ward -Publisher: Prima Games -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider The Ten Thousand Immortals -Released: October 2014 -Author: Dan Abnett & Nik Vincent -Publishing company: Brady Games -Rare: ***

Lara Croft and the Blade of Gwynnever -Released: November 2016 -Author: Dan Abnett & Nik Vincent -Publishing company: Brady Games -Rare: ***

Tomb raider 1999 calendar -Released: July 1998 -Publisher: PlayStation Power -Issue: 34 -Rare: *****

[Calendar Back]

Tomb Raider 2000 Calendar -Released:1999 -Distributor: Computec Media -Rare: *****

Tomb raider 2002 calendar -Released: 2001 Publisher: Danilo Calendar -Production: Core Designs and Eidos Interactive -Rare: *****

[Calendar Back]

Tomb Raider Poster -Rare *****

Magazine Poster -Rare: *****

The history of a Tomb Raider poster -Distributor: Games Master -Rare: *****

Lara Croft and the Frozen Omen Comic Con poster -Artists: Randy Green -Rare: *****

Lara Croft Go T-shirt These shirts were on amazon and some of the money went towards the charity Child's Play -Released:2015 -Rare: ****

Lara © Polo Shirt -Released: 1998 -Rare: *****

Tomb Raider Christmas jumper -Released: 2015 -Distributor: Teezily -Rare: **

Tomb raider pants -Released: 2001 Producer: Marks and Spencer's -Rare: *****

Tomb raider pants -Released: 2001 Producer: Marks and Spencer's -Rare: *****

Tomb raider pants -Released: 2001 Producer: Marks and Spencer's -Rare: *****

Tomb raider pants -Released: 2001 -Producer: Marks and Spencer's -Rare: *****

Released: 2002 -Producer: Marks and Spencer's -Rare: *****

Tomb Raider tie -Released: 19997 -Production: St Michael -Distrubtor: St Michael -Rare: ***

Tomb Raider tie -Released: 19997 -Production: St Michael -Distrubtor: St Michael -Rare: ***

Tomb Raider tie -Released: 19997 -Production: St Michael -Distrubtor: St Michael -Rare: ***

Lara Kiss design -Released: 2002 -Distribution: Restmor -Rare: *****

Lara Salute design -Released: 2002 -Distribution: Restmor -Rare: *****

Lara Wink design -Released: 2002 -Distribution: Restmor -Rare: *****

Lara © Beach Towel This could have been won with the Tomb Raider Lucozade competition -Released: 1998 -Rare: ****

[Bottom of design]

Lara © Beach Towel -Released: 1998 -Rare: *****

Tomb Raider Bath Towel -Released: 2002 -Producer: Restmore -Rare: *****

[Bottom of design]

Tomb Raider 20 year celebration patch This patch was first given to people at particular conventions. However you can receive this with some pre-orders depending on the company. There is an similar patch in gold which was given to Lara Croft Cos players at certain events. -Released: 2016 -Distributor: Crystal Dynamics -Rare: *****

Tomb Raider 20 years of an icon lanyard Another exclusive item given to those attending certain events. -Released: 2016 -Distributor: Crystal Dynamics -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider 20 years of an icon Dog Tag Another exclusive item given to those attending certain events. There a 4 different designs. This was first given at San Diego Comic con 2016 and allowed people to have a message engraved on it. -Released: 2016 -Distributor: Crystal Dynamics -Rare: ****

Lara © hat -Released: 1998 -Rare: *****

Lara © Wallet -Released: 1998 -Rare: *****

Tomb raider bag This Eidos bag was given to me from a fellow collector. It was given away at a press conference and contained promo TR bits and pieces as well as other Eidos game stuff. It came from a London event. -Rare: *****

Tomb Raider FM W10 Motorcycle Helmet -Released: 2001 -Producer: Lintek Gleave -Rare: ****

[Side view]

Tomb Raider wet suit figure -Released: 1999 -Producer: Playmates -Rare: **

Tomb Raider Area 51 figure -Released: 1999 -Producer: Playmates -Rare: **

Tomb Raider Jungle figure -Released: 1999 -Producer: Playmates -Rare: **

"Les aventures de Lara Croft, Antarctique" ("The Adventures of Lara Croft, Antarctica") -Released: 2005 -Figure Number: 4 -Producer: Editios Atlas -Rare: ***

"L'Ange des ténébres, Paris" ("The Angel of Darkness , Paris") -Released: 2005 -Figure: 7 -Producer: Editios Atlas -Rare: ***

Tomb raider figure -Released: 2005 -Figure Number: 9 -Producer: Editios Atlas -Rare: ***

"La révélation finale, rebelle attiude" ("The final revelation rebel attitude") -Released: 2005 -Figure Number: 19 -Producer: Editios Atlas -Rare: ***

"La révélation finale, cambodge" The final revelation -Released: 2005 -Figure Number: 20 -Producer: Editios Atlas -Rare: ****

"L'Ange des ténébres, Galerie du Louvre" ("The Angel of Darkness , Gallery of the Louvre") -Released: 2005 -Figure Number: 22 -Producer: Editios Atlas -Rare: ***

"La Dague de Xian, L'épave du Maria Doria" ("The Dagger of Xian, The Wreck of the Maria Doria") -Released: 2005 -Figure Number: 58 -Producer: Editios Atlas -Rare: ***

Scene 1: Lara Croft contre le T-Rex ("Lara Croft against the T-Rex") -Released: 2005 -Producer: Editios Atlas -Rare: ****

Scene 5: Lara Croft statue commémorative ("Lara Croft memorial statue") -Released: 2005 -Producer: Editios Atlas -Rare: *****

Scene 6 Lara Croft et le meutre de Werner Von Croy ("Lara Croft and the murder of Werner Von Croy") Released: 2005 -Producer: Editios Atlas -Rare: *****

Lara Croft Life size statue -Producer: Oxmox -Rare: *****

Lara Croft Life size statue -Producer: Oxmox

Lara Croft Nestlé figures -Released: August 2001 -Producer: Eidos -Rare: ***

Lara Croft in Bomber Jacket figure -Released: April 2000 -Producer: Playmates -Rare: ***

Tomb Raider statue Version 2 -Released: 1998 -Released: *****

Custom statue -Rare: *****

-Released: October 2016 -Producer: Crystal dynamics -Designer: loic Leroy -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider 20 year anniversary UK Stamps -Released: November 2016 -Producer: Square Enix Rare: ***

-Released: 1997 -producer: Mymax -Rare: *****

Tomb raider pen Fountain pen with Tomb Raider image -Released: 1999 -Production: Waterman Kultur Tomb Raider series Fountain pen -Rare:****

Tomb Raider expansion pack cards -Rare: *****

Tomb raider pen Fountain pen with Tomb Raider 2 image -Released: 1999 -Production: Waterman Kultur Tomb Raider series Fountain pen -Rare:****

Tomb Raider Ball point Pen with desktop creator CD [Box insides] -Released: 1999 -Production: Waterman Kultur Tomb Raider series Fountain pen -Rare:****

Tomb Raider fruit machine glass top -Producer: JMP -Rare: *****

Tomb Raider raft Gone a bit Lara promotional raft running between 1996-1997. To enter people had to send off 5-20 bottle caps or 50 tokens to either get the raft. -Released: 2001 -Production: Lucozade -Rare:*****

Feeling Lucky mouse Mat -Relesed: 1997 -Producer: Mymax -Rare:****

Tomb Raider 3d mouse mat: Official Tomb Raider 3D Mouse Mat -Producer: Mymax -Released: 1997 -Rare:****

Tomb Raider mouse -Released: 1997 - Distributor: Mymax -Rare:****

Nokia 3410 Tomb Raider phone Case -Rare:****

Siemens C45 Tomb Raider phone Cover "Lara Croft Woman in Red" -Released: 2001 -Producer: Echo -Distributed: Superfone Telecommunative -Rare:****

Siemens C45 Tomb Raider phone Cover "Lara Croft Lighting" -Released: 2001 -Producer: Echo -Distributed: Superfone Telecommunative -Rare:****

Tomb raider tooth brush Electric toothbrush and stand -Production: Grosvenor of London PLC -Released: 2000 -Rare:****

Tomb Raider phone top up card -Rare: *****

Tomb raider torch and shower gel Tomb Raider shower gel and torch -Released: 2000 -Producer: Grosvenor -Rare: ****

-Released: 2001 -Producer: Stateside Skates -Rare:*****

-Released: 2001 -Distrubtor: Roysport International -Rare:*****

Lara Croft's Chocolate Adventure "Hey, I chose the flavor, they picked the picture. I made them pay extra to get me into the bikini though." -Production: True Confections Inc -Flavour: Milk Chocolate -Released: 1999 -Rare:*****

Lara Croft's Crispy Chocolate Escape "I don't mind this one so much, at least I'm dressed comfortably and I actually like the flavor." -Production: True Confections Inc -Flavour: Milk Chocolate and rice crispy -Released: 1999 -Rare:*****

Lara Croft's Peanut Butter Expedition "I'm only in this for the money, but the candy's not bad." -Production: True Confections Inc -Flavour: Milk Chocolate and peanut butter -Released: 1999 -Rare: *****

Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris coke zero Can -Released:2014 -Distributor: Coca-Cola -Rare:*****

Lara Croft on Kick energy can -Released: 2013 -Distributor: Kick Energy Drink -Rare:****

Promotional Lucozade bottle -Released: 2000 -Producer: Lucozade -Rare: ****

Promotional Lucozade bottle -Released: 2000 -Producer: Lucozade -Rare: ****

Promotional Lucozade bottle -Released: 2000 -Producer: Lucozade -Rare: ****

Promotional Lucozade bottle -Released: 2000 -Producer: Lucozade -Rare: ****

Promotional Lucozade bottle -Released: 2000 -Producer: Lucozade -Rare: ****

Lara Croft mug -Rare: *****

Tomb Raider custom Christmas mug -Rare: *****

Tomb Raider balloon -Released: 2001 -Producer: Kaleidoscope -Rare: *****

Tomb raider card pack Into the Caves, Trapped in the Caverns Quest packs -Producer: Precedence -Released: August 1999 (Into the Caves & *Trapped in the Tombs) November 1999 pacific peril -Rare:***

-Card 1: Cave entrance -Card 2: Safe cave -Card 3: Treasure cave -Card 4: Skeleta remains -Card 5: Dim cavern -Card 6: Giant cavern

-Card 7: Open cavern -Card 8: Overlook -Card 9: Fork -Card 10: Bat cave -Card 11: Wolf bridge -Card 12: Sharp T

-Card 13: End of slide -Card 14: Bend left -Card 15: Hidden corner -Card 16: Bat roost -Card 17: Pond -Card 18: Hard right

-Card 19: Lara Croft spelunker -Card 20: Claw of the cave bear -Card 21: Bounty -Card 22: Bear -Card 23: Leather jacket -Card 24: Ferocious attack

-Card 25: Wolf pack -Card 26: Tomb entrance -Card 27: Safe chamber -Card 28: Treasure vault -Card 29: Slide -Card 20: Slice and dice

-Card 31: Narrow crossing -Card 32: Boulder passage -Card 33: End of the line -Card 34: Dead end -Card 35: Engraved passage -Card 36: Uneven corridor

-Card 37: Rough staircase -Card 38: No return -Card 39: Bat shrine -Card 40: Sharp bend -Card 41: Broken passage -Card 42: Dizzying heights

-Card 43: Blind corner -Card 44: Lara Croft treasure hunter -Card 45: Idol of fortune -Card 46: Snoop ahead -Card 47: Spiked slope -Card 48: Backpack

-Card 49: Lost -Card 50: Gap -Card 51: Look again -Card 52: Good shot -Card 53: The way through -Card 54: Triggered door

-Card 55: Rope -Card 56: Just made it -Card 57: Take aim -Card 58: Rough ground -Card 59: Bats -Card 60: Wolves

-Card 61: Save point -Card 62: Pit trap -Card 63: Push -Card 64: Dart trap -Card 65: Dark -Card 66: Steal item

-Card 67: Lara Croft adventurer -Card 68: Magnum pistols -Card 69: Small medi pack -Card 70: Chute trap -Card 71: Hidden exit -Card 72: Run

-Card 73: Shotgun ammo -Card 74: Loaded for bear -Card 75: Concentration -Card 76: Quick assessment -Card 77: N/A -Card 78: Backflip

-Card 79: N/A -Card 80: Drive out -Card 81: Cursed idol -Card 82: Ambush -Card 83: Detailed search -Card 84: Improvised

-Card 86: Weapon jam -Card 87: Coordinated fire -Card 88: Fool's Gambit -Card 89: N/A -Card 91: Over encumbered -Card 92: One slim chance

-Card 92: N/A -Card 93: N/A -Card 94: N/A -Card 95: Insight -Card 96: N/A -Card 97: Collapsing exit

-Card 98: N/A -Card 99: N/A -Card 100: Achilles heel -Card 101: Zoo -Card 102: N/A -Card 103: N/A -Card 103:

-Card 104: Giant steps -Card 105: Wellspring -Card 106: N/A -Card 107: Lure -Card 108: N/A -Card 109: N/A -Card 110: N/A