Amy D
tomb Raider
Tomb Raider Fansite
"Pardon me if that was just your way of trying the doors for me.

Tomb Raider 2 PC Game -Released: October 31, 1997 -Platform: PC -Developers: Core Design, MacSoft Games -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Aspyr Media, Inc., Victor Interactive Software -Region: UK -Age: 15+ -Rare: *

Tomb Raider 2 PlayStation Golden Mask Premier edition -Released: 1999 -Platform: PC -Developers: Core Design, MacSoft Games -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Aspyr Media, Inc., Victor Interactive Software -Region: UK -Age: 15+ -Rare:**

Tomb Raider 2 PC -Released: October 31, 1997 -Platform: PC -Developers: Core Design, MacSoft Games -Designers: Nathan McCree, Gavin Rummery, Heather Gibson, Stuart Atkinson, Joss Charmet, Neil Boyd -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Aspyr Media, Inc., Victor Interactive Software, Sold out software -Region: UK -Age: 15+ -Rare: **

Tomb Raider 2 PC-Premier Colletion edition -Released: 1999 -Platform: PC -Developers: Core Design, MacSoft Games -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Aspyr Media, Inc., Victor Interactive Software, Sold out software -Region: UK -Age: 15+ -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider 2 PlayStation 1 -Released: October 31, 1997 -Platform: PlayStation -Developers: Core Design, MacSoft Games -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Aspyr Media, Inc., Victor Interactive Software -Region: UK -Age: 15+ -Rare: *

Tomb Raider 2 platinum -Released: 1998 -Platform: PlayStation -Developers: Core Design, MacSoft Games -Designers: Nathan McCree, Gavin Rummery, Heather Gibson, Stuart Atkinson, Joss Charmet, Neil Boyd -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Aspyr Media, Inc., Victor Interactive Software -Region: UK -Age: 15+ -Rare: **

Tomb Raider 2 PlayStation 1 -Released: 1998 -Platform: PlayStation -Developers: Core Design, MacSoft Games -Designers: Nathan McCree, Gavin Rummery, Heather Gibson, Stuart Atkinson, Joss Charmet, Neil Boyd -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Aspyr Media, Eidos Richet, Victor Interactive Software -Region: UK -Age: 15+ -Rare: ***

Tomb Raider 2 Japanese edition [トゥームレイダーII] -Released: 22nd January 1998 -Platform: PS1 -Developers: Core Design, MacSoft Games -Designers: Nathan McCree, Gavin Rummery, Heather Gibson, Stuart Atkinson, Joss Charmet, Neil Boyd -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Aspyr Media, Inc., Victor Interactive Software, -Region: Japanese -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider 2 demo disk -Released:1997 -Platform: PlayStation 1 -Producer: Official UK PlayStation magazine disc 9 vol 2 -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider 2 Japanese video tape A super rare item found on ebay from a fellow collector friend. It's still sealed. The seller has told me "It was sent out in 1997 and, as Japanese stores are made to destroy all promo material after use, very few were ever seen for sale outside Japan. It is considered an ultra rare piece of TR2 merchandise and few collectors actually even are aware it exists. -Released: 1997 -Produced: Victor -Rare: *****

[Video tape Back]

Tomb Raider 2 Leathal, Loaded And irresistible pack (Includes: Mouse Mat, Sealed T-shirt, sticker, playing cards and mini cardboard posters) -Released: 1997 -Producer:Eidos Interactive -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider 2 walk through -Released: 1997 -Author: Zach Meston -Publisher: Dimension publishing/David J. Winding -Rare: ***

Tomb raider 2 Strategy guide -Released: 1998 -Author: Kip Ward -Publisher: Prima -Licences: Eidos interactive core designs -Rare: **

Walk-through guide -Released: January 1998 -Publisher: Felden Productions -Distributor: PC Zone -Author: Charlie Brooker -Rare: ***

Walk-through guide -Released: 1997 -Publisher: IDG Media -Distributor: PlayStation Pro -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider 2 Japanese walk through -Released: 1997 -Publisher: Soft bank -Producer: The PlayStation Books -Rare: *****

Tomb Raider 2 Japaneses walk through -Released: 1998 -Publisher: Den Geki Mook -Rare: *****

Promotional Tomb Raider 2 poster

Double sided Tomb Raider 2 poster -Released: 1997 -Rare: *****


Lethal, Loaded, Irresistible magazine advert -Rare: *****

-Released: 2017 -Artist: Inna Vjuzhanina. -Rare: ***** [I won this in a competition by Inna, from her Lara a day]