Amy D
tomb Raider
Tomb Raider Fansite
"Ever heard of Armageddon? Unpleasant, even by your standards."

Tomb Raider the last revelation Trapezoid box -Released: 23 November 1999 -Developer: Core Design -Platforms: Mac -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Capcom, Square Enix, Aspyr Media, Inc., Noviy Disk, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd. -Region: US -Age: Teen -Rare: ***

Tomb raider the last revelation millennium edition -Released: 12th June 2000 -Platform: Mac -Developer: Core Design -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Capcom, Square Enix, Aspyr Media, Inc., Noviy Disk, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd. -Region: US -Age: Teen -Rare:*****

Box contents: -Game -Exclusive figure -Mini comic preview

[Flip cover details]

Tomb Raider the last Revelation PC Sold Out games are found within the UK. These were game releases that were commonly found in the bargain bin in shops such as Woolworths. The games ranged from £3-£10 and were a nightmare to install -Released: 1999 -Platform: PC -Developer: Core Design -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Capcom, Square Enix, Aspyr Media, Inc., Noviy Disk, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd. -Region: UK -Age: 11+ -Rare: *

Tomb raider the last revelation OEM verion-includes print studio -Released: 1999 -Developer: Core Design -Platforms: PC -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Capcom, Square Enix, Aspyr Media, Inc., Noviy Disk, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd., -Producer: Green Street & Canon -Region: UK -Age: 11+ -Rare: *****

Tomb raider the last revelation Premier collection edition -Released: 18 June 1999 _Platform: PC -Developer: Core Design -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Capcom, Square Enix, Aspyr Media, Inc., Noviy Disk, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd. -Region: UK -Age: 11+ -Rare: *

Tomb raider the last revelation PlayStation 1 -Released: 31st December 1999 -Platform: PlayStation 1 -Developer: Core Design -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Capcom, Square Enix, Aspyr Media, Inc., Noviy Disk, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd. -Region: UK -Age: 11+ -Rare: *

Tomb raider the last revelation PlayStation 1 -Released: 22nd November 1999 -Platform: PlayStation 1 -Developer: Core Design -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Capcom, Square Enix, Aspyr Media, Inc., Noviy Disk, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd. -Region: US -Age: Teen -Rare: *

Tomb raider the last revelation Dream Cast -Released: 31st December 1999 -Platform: DreamCast -Developer: Core Design -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Capcom, Square Enix, Aspyr Media, Inc., Noviy Disk, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd. -Region: UK -Age: 11+ -Rare: **

Tomb raider the last revelation -Released: 24 March 2000 -Developer: Core Design -Platform: Sega Dreamcast -Publishers: Eidos Interactive, Capcom, Square Enix, Aspyr Media, Inc., Noviy Disk, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd. -Region: US -Age: Teen -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider the Last revelation press pack (Includes: Letter from Lara, Postcards, Mini poster, puzzle, de-code sheet, and competition) -Released: 1996 -Producer: Eidos Interactive -Rare: *****

Tomb Raider the Last Revelation Magazine advert -Released: 1998 -Rare: *****

Tomb raider the last revelation promotional poster -Released: 1999 -Rare: ****

Tomb raider the last revelation promotional poster -Released: 1999 -Rare: ****

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation 2000 Calendar -Released: 1999 -Publisher: Prima Games -Rare: ***

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