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A personal thank you

Coming to the end of my University degree I was excited to venture into new opportunities. Looking online I found fellow Tomb Raider fan websites and wonder if I should make one based on my collection.
I have been recommended to start blogging as a portfolio development for the future. The motivation was there but my confidence made me worry about the what if's and so I left it for another day, and another and another...
Confidence has always been a massive problem in my life. I overthink the situation and wish I could revert back and start again. So by writing a blog post I have that opportunity to make loads of changes but then worry does this sound good, will anyone actually read this? Then I doubt myself and give up.
My main fear of writing on a blog is me sounding repetitive or dull. How could I even imagine to write my feelings or thoughts out when I can't even see the world for myself.
What has pushed me to create this website is the help of my good friend Alex Albaladejo.
We became friends through Instagram exchanging images from our Tomb Raider collection and he told me of his website. I was fascinated by his website because he has accomplished so much and that after his hard work he had been accredited by Crystal Dynamics. From there positive thoughts came to mind telling me if I pushed myself maybe I could become an ambassador like Alex.
It's from here my motivation grew and I knew that maybe I should stop holding myself back and give myself a chance and write about what I love, Tomb Raider.
Alex has been one of the greatest people to battle my confidence. I have been able to turn to him for advice and he has always encouraged me to go further. On bad days he has told me to stay strong and tell me there is so much potential.
Never once has he said it's too ambiguous, no one cares. He has told me of his honest experience from his website and how people can be cruel and it makes you want to give up.
The journey will be tough but I will ways be grateful for all the help he has provided towards me. He's given me so much guidance and ideas for the future.
Thank you so much, my friend! You are my positive role model and have given me so much confidence. There is so much more beyond a thank you, you deserve.
You are a true legend.
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Accreditation copyright 

All image content and blog posts are by website creator Amy Dyson unless stated.  

 Other content is either linked via url or credited to original owner. to conent ownerImages not are have availbe links to the ownership.  Articles and images can be re-posted but a link or credit to author 

This website is not licensced under Cystal dynamics or Square Enix.


Tomb Raider and Lara Croft are trademarks or registered trademarks of Square Enix Ltd. All rights reserved.

 2016 Amy Dyson.  Worcester.  United Kingdom. Amy D Tomb Raider collection

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