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Manchester Play Expo

Day 1: 7/10/16
We had an early wake-up call and did a bit of last minute packing before we left. I had a load of my parcel arrive with various Tomb Raider games I bulk bought. To then only realise my mistake that I should have left them sealed to do an un-boxing video.
Flu season has come and hit me but I won't let it stop me. We decided it was best to come a day in advance to explore and help with my anxiety. But one of the challenges in packing for such an event is what item/items should I bring to have signed?
I debated a few of my classic boxed games but it wouldn't make light travel. I did also consider my collector's edition of The Angel of Darkness but worried if I had lost it there is a slim chance of getting it back. Then I had a light bulb moment...What better item to have signed than one of the most iconic magazines to feature Lara 'The Face'. I also bought along a few goodies from fellow collectors I have said I will get signed.
However, with every long journey, I take I have my concerns about what can go wrong. To which I then over think the situation and have to think about managing myself should I have a panic attack?
For me, a new location can be very daunting and I fear anyone stepping past me. It can become very overwhelming for myself because I can't read the situation, and fear those that are with me will loose me and I will get lost.
Not to worry we arrived at a beautiful hotel that both I and Dom thought was very fancy, well we deserve a treat after celebrating our 7-year anniversary. But off we went to explore, and I was treated to go to the Manchester Cat cafe.
A bizarre experience. I have had cat's in the past and currently live with one but hey as many cups of tea and cats I'm in. It was awkward at times trying to source the cats only to catch eye contact with another customer and exchange blank glances.
We then off for a meal only to hear the upsetting news of Ian Livingstone absence. It got me down and I felt guilty to break the news to fellow fans but life happens.
Viewing images online it seems the remaining guests seem like their having a blast and it will be a massive privilege to meet everyone and explore. I have my fears my anxiety will get the better of me, involving either a panic attack or arguments with those around me. But so far I am coping well in a strange town. Taking my time and keeping my nerve by passing myself.
My main concern overall is getting rid of this cold many many hot drinks and an early night I believe. Long day tomorrow and many pictures and people to meet. Here's to hoping things go according to plan. And if not I can keep control relax and re-evaluate and not panic. After the experience of this weekend, I think I shall reflect on the source of my anxiety and see how I can improve and share my advice to others.
Here's to a quick recovery for this cold and a calm but unforgettable weekend.

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 2016 Amy Dyson.  Worcester.  United Kingdom. Amy D Tomb Raider collection

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