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Xbox One X

It's known as the current most powerful current console on the market. Microsoft's Xbox One X the fastest speed, biggest memory and 4k definition. It has the compatibility to play previous titles and Xbox 360.

Rise of the Tomb Raider has now been enhanced to fit the console but what changes have been made. Firstly as far as we know there will be no alternative disc to the current title, but saved data can be transferred.

If you have previously purchased the season pass you can now receive the once PlayStation 4 exclusive content: -Blood Ties; Lara returns to her family home after several years of abandonment to find she must leave the premises. Determined than ever Lara searches the home in search of her fathers to will to seek answers into his death and her mother's disappearance.

-Endurance mode; Play solo or with a friend it's a matter of life or death. You must search the land for food, and shelter, the weather will play an impact as your heat will rapidly decrease and kill the player. Enemies will get tougher further down the line, and food will become more scarce as bears will eat smaller prey.

-Additional content; Previous DLC Baba Yaga, cold darkness awakened, weapons, expedition cards and outfits including the classic skins.

The overall game improvements:

-Dolby Atmos and True 3D audio, meaning the game sounds atmospherically allowing players to hear nearby enemies, and finer sounds like walking on snow

-Realistic textures; from environments to clothing every inch is detailed. From every spec of mud to striking reflections all has been enhanced

-Supports from a 4k TV everything is vibrant with accurate colour depictions

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 2016 Amy Dyson.  Worcester.  United Kingdom. Amy D Tomb Raider collection

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