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New Tomb Raider poster?

A potential new poster for the new Tomb Raider movie for 2018 has been found on eBay. Superfan Toby Joe sourced the image and uploaded the image which has since been shared across a variety of Tomb Raider fan sites.


There has been no confirmation from Warner Brother's to officiate the image, but it makes a better look compared to the first image. Alicia dominates the poster with dirt head to toe and sheer power to characterise Lara.

The first poster was heavily criticised making world news because of it's its particular Photoshop treatment. Having audiences questioning Vikander's pose.

Showing Lara's recent iconic weapon of choice, and a cascading of waves against a rough sea. Fans noticed her neck has dramatically been stretched that brings the centre of attention.

The first press conference for the new movie will be held this weekend at Brazil comic con. Alicia and her new husband Michael Fassbender have recently landed for the upcoming weekend.

During the weekend fans can get an opportunity to meet and greet Alicia and may potentially see new and exclusive exlusive content on the upcoming movie. [IMDB]

The latest leaked poster has been uploaded by eBay seller Geekystuff_94 selling at over $30! There is still no confirmation if this is fan made or an official release from Warner Brothers.

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 2016 Amy Dyson.  Worcester.  United Kingdom. Amy D Tomb Raider collection

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