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The Con's of being a collector

I've been a collector for the past 4 years, during this time I've obtained over 500 items and still counting.

But it has never been an easy journey and there have been multiple times I've wanted to give up.

The best advice I was ever taught "No matter how good you are at something, there is always someone better than you.

In reality that sounds harsh but I look upon the positive. There could be someone that has only been collecting for a year. Therefore am I better than them because of how long I have been collecting in comparison, or how many years?

No! Simply because they could have an item I don't have or something I may not have seen before. Everyone is equal in their own manner.

So I thought I would create a 2 part post. Of my pro's and cons to being a collector. In which I hope encourages people to know the feelings are mutual. Or even guide those thinking about starting up their one collection.

The first half will be looking upon my con's about being a collector. Get the negativity out the way.


-The Price:

Most of my items are on eBay and it's the seller's description of how much it must go for.

It's also down to those outbidding and how much I'm willing to part with.

Then there is the all-around difficulty of transit costs. Things from the official Tomb Raider shop/Square Enix will never be a walk in the park. It's the shipping, tax and customs charges that take the hard hit.


A recurring nightmare is a fear of not recalling what you have to do buying to find our you already have it.

However, I try and look into the positives. To which I reach out to other collectors and offer it at a discount.

Other than that keep them as a spare you never know when you might need it. It could come in handy if you want it signed but scared it would be ruined.

-The lack of space:

If I'm going to be open and honestly I have a small 1 bedroom flat whom I share with my partner of 9 years and a cat...and a stormtrooper.

"We" were kindly gifted (I say we, I took all the shelves) a joint glass cabinet to which I occupied for my goodies.

But other than that I have a crooked bookshelf on the verge of breaking, draws and the floor as my safe haven.

Ideal we will find a bigger place but for now, it's trying to keep track and place things away to prevent loss or damage.

-Missed opportunities:

As a regular on eBay, you get to eventually know what regular shows. Once in a blue moon, something may come along and intrigue me.

But other times it's the case where I idolise other things and come want to come back later.

In an example, I saw a tomb raider mouse mat and mouse but the brand Razor. I declined to buy it as I was saving up. I thought it's a popular brand I can come back in a few months.

Half a year of avoidance I was ready to see it had gone. They had been discontinued.

Logically looking at it now because it's a niche product there was never going to be a mass market so they produced low quantity stock.

-Saying No:

For me, I love anything tomb raider no matter how odd or gender neutralised or region I want it.

But this plays a massive effect on logic. Did I really need it? I'm a compulsive person with an addictive personality. I always want to prove myself better and it's hard to let things get away

-Other collector's:

In an ideal world, I would want each and every collector to have what they most desire. But that everyone was fair and equal to what we have.

However, the sad reality is there are only some moments you can mutually agree who gets the pick. (This is not to spite towards any of my fellow collectors)

Truly I will sometimes keep items under wraps in fear someone will outbid me and I will lose. Although saying that I feel there have been opportunities amongst my close friends I have the advice on current items for sale. Or even those they have mentioned they wanted.

I love helping others so when people ask where I got an item. I do my best to recall the product and if spotted tell them it's for sale and possibly warns them of the price.

It's not all doom and gloom it's being competitive. I don't want to hold a grudge upon others and only wish them well wish and congratulations.

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 2016 Amy Dyson.  Worcester.  United Kingdom. Amy D Tomb Raider collection

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