Path of the Apocalypse
It was recently announced that a follow-up novel to Shadow of the Tomb Raider is in the works. Written by author S.D. Perry whom is known for her novels based around the Resident Evil franchise.

As the saying goes never judge a book by a cover and it certainly shows. The sheer mystery of the impact behind Shadow of the Tomb Raider is not dropping any hints. We are only introduced to a silhouetted Lara blocked out from the eclipse.
This will be the second novel within the connection to the 2013 reboot series. Multiple comics have been released over the passing year. Another novel was released however this was in connection to a different time period based around the side series aptly named Lara Croft.
Yet again Lara is tackling her nemesis Trinity, but this novel will connect to the final game in the series. It's not confirmed how it will connect or where it fits within the storyline.
No official release date has been mentioned but there is a chance we could see it arriving near the end of this year.
[Image: Tomb Raider Collection]