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The Pro's of being a collector

With all the negatives behind us lets focus upon the positives and what joy and aspirations I have found in my time collecting.

Friends and Family

I'm not going to sugar coat it. Even now my family still think I'm strange for my collection and wonder how I can even afford my rent. However, when more doors opened my friends and family always stuck by me and saw me going further, they could see the passion and love.

On occasion, I will get messages from my family and friends messaging me about a new Tomb Raider item for sale. Some people cower at the idea simply because they think I know all and already beat them to the punch.

However, the sheer gesture to know someone has gone out of their way and thought of me to tell me is a massive privilege.

I still recall my days in retail where even on my days off I became bombarded with messaged to indicate someone had traded in a Tomb Raider game. I was so thankful for wonderful staff members who still to this day message me. You guys truly make me happy to just go out your way and tell me.

Even if you roll your eyes at me because I say I already have something I am appreciative that you have taken the time and thought of me.

The Tomb Raider Community

To some the Tomb Raider community is a mystery, some believe its a barrage of cosplayers but it's simply not true. It's a build up of webmasters, Artists, collectors a huge collaboration bringing Tomb Raider to life.

There are so many unsung members that are I appreciate. Anyone is welcome and I feel no one discourages anyone for their opinion on which franchise they prefer.

We all love Lara Croft and share so many fond memories of the first game that made that impact on our lives. I recall attending a few events and the ice is instantly broken the moment you reflect upon your favourite moments, game or what Tomb Raider means to us,

Yet again I am forever deeply impacted by the friends I have made along this journey, even to those I've never met in person. I feel those within the community pick others up and guide one another.

Fellow Collectors

I could conduct a huge list of personal thank you's to those that have gone out of their way to help me obtain certain items. However other collectors I have met are so respectful of one another.

If you build a good friendship there is a higher chance you can exchange from country to country, seek advice on items you want, ask them their current bids to put a stop to increase the price on the same item you are competing for.

Meeting other collectors can open so many opportunities because as mentioned you could exchange across regions. You could exchange any doubles.

On a personal level, I have gained a massive respect for other collectors of a different franchise. It's fascinating to see what other merchandise is available and see their passion. You could reflect upon their happiness towards your own.

Don't take it as an offence if you have sent a request and they haven't accepted it, sometimes you need to respect peoples privacy and others don't feel comfortable to add stranger.

Finding an item you have been after

During the period collecting you get to know a pattern within sites such as eBay. Gathering an understanding as to what regularly shows. The one bonus is that you know a good bargain if its a regular occurrence.

But then on occasion, there can be that stand out an item you thought you would never come across. That adrenaline from winning knowing you have it can be such a joyous moment, and when it finally arrives it becomes the number 1 item in your collection.

Some may see this as a negative but I on the other don't for showing others what you have opens so many doors. It not only shows you what there is on the market that you may not know existed but also you feel jealous, but within due time you become more determined to source your version and when that day arrives it feels like Christmas day.


Tying briefly into the above section having positive feedback really sets the mood for the day. But it can be just a simple message from a someone to say how much they love your collection that can truly put a smile upon your face.

Knowing that yet again people have gone out of their way to tell them you are doing a good job is such a confidence boost, You can gain such a connection when people talk upon their own experiences. Such as owning a certain Tomb Raider game can help them reminisce about their past.

I'm honoured when people reach out to me to ask if an item they have seen is of any value, or can I help them know about its history. It makes me feel like I'm apart of something bigger, and yet if I don't know I also have those close by to guide me.

My personal aspect of looking up the pros of being a collector is how positive others can be. How as a community we stick together, I for one go out my way and contact people if they have shown an interest in one of my pieces and I have stumbled across it again.

It's about being kind to one another and showing respect to what they have and you may not. If you don't ask you will never know. 9 times out 10 people will be more than happy to share information about their purchases or just basic information about what it is they have.

There are times I get down about my collection and want to pack it all in But then I remember those kind enough to help me in every way possible. I'm grateful to those that Share links, offer their doubles, discuss and plan bids or even just want to say hi.

When you start collecting there is a change there could be stigma and you may be disregarded. But look upon social media links for other fellow collectors as they just might be able to help guide you. But also blossom a new friendship.

I would honestly be where I was today without the support of the tomb raider community my friends and family. I pride myself on a stronghold of people that encourages me to go further and update me on collectables.

Thank you to my special Tomb Raider friends (you know who you are) for being every step of the way. Responding to my messages, sending me goodies and being an all round fantasic group of friends.

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 2016 Amy Dyson.  Worcester.  United Kingdom. Amy D Tomb Raider collection

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